People with disabilities represent one of the largest untapped human resource pools. More than 15 million working-age Americans that are unemployed have a disability, about 10 million of whom want to be employed. But for millions of Americans with disabilities, gainful employment remains out of reach. Our goal is to work with all members of the community – including individuals with disabilities, employers, government agencies and other organizations – to eliminate barriers to employment and bridge the gap between job seekers with disabilities and employers who want to hire them.

The Center’s foundation in customized rehabilitation sets us apart from other employment services. We maximize an individual’s strengths and overcome challenges that other organizations are often unable to address.

The Career Discovery and Exploration program (D&E) evaluates a client’s current ability and readiness to return to or begin work within the community. D&E evaluates work readiness, coping and social skills, and vocational interests.  Community-based assessments involve selected standardized testing and career exploration that is then followed by a series of community-based job trials at area businesses. These trials are selected by matching the person’s interests to local area jobs. D&E may also include job shadowing and informational interviews to help the client choose appropriate vocational goals. Outcomes include identifying future vocational goals, recommendations about work preparedness and support needs.

Each job seeker is teamed up with an employment recruiter to assist the program participant in finding a job. Our employment recruiters work closely with businesses and other organizations to help employers understand the benefits of employing someone with a disability. Employment recruiters also work with employers to arrange job trials, evaluate the work site and conduct an analysis of job duties. If needed, employment recruiters negotiate reasonable job accommodations that will make it possible for our participants to perform functions essential to the job and to be as productive as their co-workers.

Job seekers also receive:

  • Instruction in job seeking
  • Advising in résumé development
  • Guidance in identifying job opportunities
  • Help completing job applications
  • Interview preparation
  • Assistance building job-readiness skills

The Center’s Job Club and Social Skills is available to offer further guidance and assistance in the job search.

By coming together in a group, job seekers can:

  • Engage in group discussions related to searching for employment
  • Practice interviewing skills
  • Participate in mock interviews
  • Identify job opportunities and open positions
  • Access computers and the Internet to work on résumés and submit applications
  • Attend monthly job fairs as a group

Our Job Club takes place on Thursdays from 10am till noon and is available in person or virtual by request). Please contact Kenda Curativo at 314-983-9230 ext:1404 .


For more information or to refer someone to the program,
contact Kenda Curativo, Director of Career Development, at 314.983.9230 ext:1404 or